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Board of Selectmen Minutes -- 07/25/2013
Selectmen’s Board Meeting
July 25, 2013

Present:        John Allen, Chairman; Bob Thompson and Bill Lockard, Selectmen

Visitors:       Town Administrative Assistant Julie Atwell, Police Chief Karl Meyers, Joan Aubrey, Videographer Hank Benesh, Kathleen Dougherty, Susan May

  • Amend & approve minutes
  • Selectmen’s Meeting – July 11, 2013  The minutes were approved as written.
The five sets of Non-Public Meeting minutes from July 11, 2013 were previously approved; the Selectmen signed the envelopes for agenda item 1 - b, c, d, e and f.

  • Non-Public Meeting – July 11, 2013 sign minutes envelope – RSA 91-A:3, II(c)  
  • Non-Public Meeting – July 11, 2013 sign minutes envelope – RSA 91-A:3, II(c)  
  • Non-Public Meeting – July 11, 2013 sign minutes envelope – RSA 91-A:3, II(c)  
  • Non-Public Meeting – July 11, 2013 sign minutes envelope – RSA 91-A:3, II(c)  
  • Non-Public Meeting – July 11, 2013 sign minutes envelope – RSA 91-A:3, II(a)
  • Master Plan Meeting – July 18, 2013 (added)  The minutes were approved as written.
  • Update on 7.11.13 Action Items
  • Dog licensing  The ACO is in the process of going out to visit unlicensed dog owners; Selectman Lockard is still concerned with this process; if folks do not participate and the town starts taking custody of dogs, the town is responsible for the first seven days of kenneling costs for each dog; that fee is $200 per day at the Conway Area Humane Society (CAHS).  In addition, if the ACO is going to collect a dog, other resources will be needed; she will need the Police to accompany her as well as the need for a vehicle to transport the dog to CAHS.  At this time the ACO is trying to get compliance at the door; the next step is a big step that comes with a lot of ramifications.
  • Job Description for Police Officers  Selectman Lockard has a copy of the Job Description; the Selectmen will review it and make any corrections or edits.  This document was put together by Chief Meyers and will be on the agenda for finalization at the next meeting.
  • Hiring of outside contractor for ditching  Road Agent Henry felt his staff were not experienced with the machine enough for the steep grades the hired machine was utilized on.  It was within his budget and that’s his call as Department Head.
  • Sound System  Selectman Thompson hasn’t talked to Sean Doucette yet; he wants to get this finalized; it’s been requested by several people and will be a relatively low budget item.
  • Job Descriptions for the Highway Department  The Selectman will review the Job Descriptions and make any corrections or edits.  This will be on the agenda for finalization at the next meeting.  
  • MRI Contract/Training  Town Office Administrator Atwell noted the contract is all set; she will be attending a budget training in September, after which she will set up a staff training.
  • Change of Meeting Dates to 8.8 and 8.22.13  This was finalized at the last meeting and has been posted to the e-news.
  • Job Description for Deputy Clerk  The Town Clerk says there is one; the Selectmen will review the information and make corrections or edits.  This will be on the agenda for finalization at the next meeting.
  • Lawsuit Insurance  The town is only covered for specific lawsuits which fall under the LGC’s parameters otherwise there is no limit to the town’s exposure should there be a large decision against it; specifically, any Right-to-Know suit would not be covered.  Chairman Allen wondered if there is a list of what the LGC covers; it is very vague however they offer a free Risk Management Assessment.  It was noted the LGC also offers Right-to-Know trainings.  Town Office Administrator Atwell was asked to find out what is involved in each.  
  • Job Description for Building Inspector  The Job Description has gone to Building Inspector Chalmers for review.  It will be on the agenda for the next meeting however, it is unlikely to be ready for finalization yet.  
  • Letter to owners of 234 Route 16  The owners have received a letter from Inspector Chalmers.  This will be on the agenda for the next meeting; Chairman Allen doesn’t think the discussion can be held during public session.  Town Office Administrator Atwell will get a letter out to the owners; she will also have a recommendation for the Board as to whether this discussion needs to be held in a Non-Public Session or can be handled publically.  
  • Building Permit Refund – Map V06 Lot 09, Tim Scott  A check is being processed for this refund.  
  • Public Comment  Joan Aubrey noted there is grant money available through the New Hampshire Land and Community Heritage Investment Program (LCHIP) for 2014-15.  These funds can go towards many things, including the restoration of buildings publically owned.  The Old Library Trust has not yet received its tax letter but the Municipality is eligible and can apply.  The building is going to need refinishing of the hardwood floor; the trim needs work; there are areas that could use painting; there are some minor issues in the basement.  This is an opportunity for the town; the whole septic/water/restroom situation could also be looked at as part of this grant.  There is a mandatory grant writing class on July 30th; the decision will be made on December 18th.  Susan May has volunteered to go to the training so there will be someone there representing the Old Library and the Old Library Trust would be available to help but the Selectmen will have to commit to the time involved here to write the grant and complete the application process.  LCHIP got several million dollars; competition will be fierce.  There are other buildings in town that could be included in this project.  The town has to write the grant.  Town Office Administrator Atwell will go to the training and write something up.  The Library and the Historical Society have applied for LCHIP funds in the past; they are registered applicants.  It’s important to find out if either won their grant and if not, why not; that information could help with preparing the new grant.  Everyone on the Old Library Committee is willing to commit some time but there’s not been a specific time commitment.  Selectman Thompson thinks it is important to find out how much time the Old Library Committee members are willing to commit.  Joan will email the training link to Town Office Administrator Atwell.  The Selectmen will do what they can to support this effort.  The search for volunteers wishing to be involved will also be put in the e-news; the money is out there and it may as well come to Jackson.
  • Police Report  Police Chief Meyers reviewed Department activities since the last meeting; some items included a minor motor vehicle accident in a restaurant parking lot and another one by the Castle; that driver was charged with negligent driving, underage transportation of alcohol and another alcohol charge.  There was a bear complaint at the Transfer Station.  There is an older resident having some mental difficulties; a family member disconnected the car so Officers went out to talk to him.  Officers assisted the Ambulance with several calls as well as making several Project Good Morning checks.  Two reports came in regarding a suspicious vehicle in the Tyrol area; Officers found and stopped the vehicle and identified the people in it.  There was one false burglar alarm; a domestic disturbance was reported between mother and daughter; Officers assisted a motorist with a broken-down car; a resident was fingerprinted for a summer job at the school.  There is a private investigator doing work in town; he called the Department to let Officers know where he was going to be; Chief Meyers assured the Board that the investigator was checked out to make sure he was legit.  There was a motor vehicle accident on the Jackson end of Town Hall Road and there was an interview with a Child Advocate regarding a sexual assault on a person under the age of eighteen.  
Town Office Administrator Atwell has received a sample ordinance regarding vendors; it was sent from the State Department of Safety, Division of State Police.  New Hampshire is not in compliance and Jackson has no ordinance regarding vendors who want to sell out of the back of their vehicles; usually it is someone with a refrigerated truck selling meat.  This has to do with folks coming to town to sell wares; this ordinance calls for them to check in with the town.  The notice doesn’t say an ordinance is required.  This isn’t going to affect the vendors at the Farmers Market on Saturday; it’s not geared towards them; this is for the “fly-by-nights” that show up in town, sell what they have then leave town.  When asked if the Selectmen wanted to review this for the next meeting, Chairman Allen felt it should go to the Planning Board since they develop ordinances which then go to the Selectmen for adoption and on to the voters at Town Meeting.  

  • Tax cards and tax maps online – through Avatar  Jackson has the opportunity to put its tax maps online for free; the town can also put its tax cards online; these would only have names and the parcel information not addresses.  It will cost sixteen-hundred per year for that; it would be pro-rated for the last three months of this year if the Board approves this.  The Office has a lot of people coming in for the tax cards and they could just get it online; Town Office Administrator Atwell thinks this is a great idea.  Chairman Allen feels that is a lot of money; Selectman Lockard wondered how many people are coming in for this information; Town Office Administrator Atwell noted there are one or two a day asking to look at tax cards and often ask for a print off which they pay one dollar for.  Selectman Thompson feels it’s important to first determine what Jackson is currently paying to provide this service; he’d like to see a study first.  Town Office Administrator Atwell thought she could put a check mark down for each time Office Staff are asked to get tax card information.   She noted this task doesn’t require a lot of time however Office Staff have to stop what they are already doing in order to accommodate these requests.  This is all public information; most towns that have the maps online also have the tax cards.  The Board approved moving forward with putting the tax maps online only.  Selectman Thompson wondered how Avatar determines the cost to each town for putting tax cards online; Town Office Administrator Atwell noted the sixteen-hundred is what every town gets charged; she was asked to provide a list of towns that do this.  There will be a follow-up on this at a future meeting.  Selectman Thompson wondered why this is on the agenda now; is it a new service?  It was explained this is all part of the move to get town information online.  Selectman Thompson feels it’s important to know if having the information online will provide increased efficiency and the Board needs to know if this is a good value; requests for the tax card information will be tracked for three months.
  • Bartlett Quarterly Invoice – to be approved  This is for staffing at the Transfer Station from April through June, 2013 at the contractual split of 75/25; the Board needs to either approve this as submitted or make modifications.  The total is eleven-thousand, two-hundred-fifty-eight dollars and change which is in-line with previous totals.  Selectman Thompson, seconded by Selectman Lockard, made a motion to approve the Bartlett Quarterly Invoice for April through June of 2013.  The motion passed unanimously.  These figures are cut and dry; they represent a substantial cost savings.  Chairman Allen asked for a comparison of the figures now that there are a couple of quarters in with the new contract; he’d like to see the impact of the change to the contract.  
  • Grzelak and Company – audit – to be signed  This is the audit for the School portion; payments will be made to the school.  This is very short notice.  Selectman Thompson, seconded by Selectman Lockard, made a motion to approve the audit and to authorize Chairman Allen to sign it.  The motion passed unanimously.  
  • A/P Manifest to be signed  This was signed by the Selectmen.
  • 2012 Assessment – refunds/denials – to be signed  There are five letters and three checks to be signed.  
  • New Business
  • Eastern Slope Airport Authority – Annual Meeting – needs RSVP  Chairman Allen will represent the town at the Annual Meeting on August 23, 2013.  
  • Habitat for Humanity – FYI  Habitat is looking for volunteers; this request will go into the e-news.  
  • Anne Lee Doig – to be signed (original was lost)  The original document was misplaced; this was signed.  
  • Dept. of Rev – PA-28 – to be signed  The town hasn’t used this document for ages; the state is asking the town to submit a form documenting that Jackson is not using form PA-28.  Selectman Thompson, seconded by Selectman Lockard, made a motion to sign the form stating Jackson is not using PA-28.  The motion passed unanimously.  
  • WMNF Assessed Value  Selectman Thompson, seconded by Selectman Lockard, made a motion to sign the application for Forest Land Reimbursement.  The motion passed unanimously.  
  • Knotweed – Notice to property owners (added)  Town Office Administrator Atwell noted the permit is in for the planned spraying of knotweed.  She has put together a draft letter to go to abutters that have been identified; it was important for the draft to be vetted through the Committee members that had concerns regarding spraying.  Selectman Thompson has the letter now and will send it around for review first; the Board will do its best to include everything in this letter so it is informative as well as fair and balanced.  Chairman Allen believes folks should also be aware that someone is coming to spray and they can contact him to use his services while he is here.  
  • Building Permit – Map V5, Lot 32 – new two-bedroom home (added)  This has been approved.
  • Old Business
  • Job Descriptions  This has already been covered (see agenda items 2-b, e, h and j).
  • Jackson Falls (added)  Selectman Thompson noted he’s met with Road Agent Henry regarding the report from North Country Soil Services; he then walked through the recommendations with Conservation Commission Chair Larry Siebert; what they are trying to do up there makes a lot of sense.  The only piece of the recommendation that Road Agent Henry had a concern with was Action Item #4 regarding ceasing all cutting and removal of the understory of saplings.  Road Agent Henry has worked in this area and felt that it didn’t make sense to cease all cutting; he’s only mowing once or twice a year.  There is also a sloped area near where the guardrail starts that they mow; there are safety reasons to keep these areas cut back.  The Selectmen will review the recommendations with the plan being to make a motion at the next meeting to accept all the recommendations with the exception of Action Item #4.    
  • DES letters (added)  There are two letters from DES regarding the issue with the dam and the sandbags at Black Mountain; there are certain things within those two letters the folks involved need to do but there is nothing for the town to do.  Selectman Lockard has had a lot of discussion with Road Agent Henry about this; there is an issue with the dam up there; the town has been doing a lot of work on that dam however, there are officially no dams in the town.  This is a recognized dam by DES and is required to be built up to standard; that will require time and money.  The town has been working on the dam for years.  The Board needs to decide if the town wants to participate in bringing it up to par; Road Agent Henry says to walk away; the town has no legal obligation and he thinks it will cost Jackson thousands of dollars to bring it up to standard.  Selectman Thompson wondered who would bring it up to standard; that would be the responsibility of the business owners.  If the town participates in bringing the dam up to standard that may give the town responsibility or liability.  
Selectman Thompson wondered if the fact that the dam is not up to DES standards is part of the reason for the sandbagging that was going on; it was explained the sandbags were used to divert water for snowmaking; the sandbags are used in the fall primarily, to create an estuary to get an ample flow to make snow; in the spring the bags get washed out and create the mess that concerned residents brought to the Board; that’s an environmental issue.  DES is saying the dam isn’t up to standard and has to be upgraded.    

Selectman Thompson wants to know what Black Mountain and Whitneys’ response will be; this may be none of the town’s business.  The letter does say fines will be levied if the owners don’t comply.  Town Office Administrator Atwell will review the letters to make sure there is nothing the town needs to do; she will send the letters out to the Board for their review as well.  Selectman Thompson believes Whitneys’ and Black Mountain should be involved in any further discussion; the Board needs to know if they have the money to commit to the upgrade.  Selectman Lockard would like Road Agent Henry to attend the next meeting so he can summarize the details on this.  

  • Public Comment  There were no comments at this time.
Selectman Thompson, seconded by Selectman Lockard, made a motion to go into Non-Public Session in accordance with RSA 91-A:3, II(a) at 5:40 p.m.  The motion passed unanimously.

  • Non-Public Session
  • RSA 91-A:3, II(a) The dismissal, promotion, or compensation of any public employee or the disciplining of such employee, or the investigation of any charges against him or her, unless the employee affected (1) has a right to a public meeting, and (2) requests that the meeting be open, in which case the request shall be granted.

Respectfully submitted by:

Martha D. Tobin

Recording Secretary